This troop showed up ready to have fun and make some lasting memories. For several of the Scouts this was their last “hooray” with their buddies. And that they did! It was a mixed bag of rain, sun, squalls, wind, and no wind! But we kicked it in high gear and had an amazing week. We had an encounter with a huge loggerhead turtle, that I, Linda, being on a boat for 36 years had never experienced. This huge loggerhead turtle came right up to us at the beginning of our Sandy Cay reef dive and we all got to see it and get very close to it. It was incredible! Dawn was the snorkeling Queen and enjoyed every dive to the max being the first one in and the last one out. The crew got trained in hoisting all the sails on Ciganka and put some miles on under sail. Daniel, Jason and several of the crew put in their time in trolling for fish while underway. Jason caught a beautiful mutton snapper and we had him on steak night as an addition making a surf and turf night. It was delicious! Throughout the week there was laughter abound, memories made, and just a heck of a lot of fun. Thank you to Troop 502. We wish you all the greatest successes and accomplishments as many of you are turning the corner of a new chapter. Thank you ~