As the forecast predicted, we had light winds on our ocean crossing from the Abacos to Beaufort, NC. So we enjoyed the 5 day journey under full sail and calm seas arriving in Beaufort yesterday morning, Saturday, at 11:00. BUT we found out we cannot clear in with Customs and Immigration until Monday morning. So we are enjoying a nice quiet anchorage unable to get off the boat or have anyone on board until we officially are cleared in the US.
On Friday afternoon, as we are sailing north about 50 miles from Beaufort, we heard a broadcast on the VHF radio from a war ship saying they were practicing with live ammunition and all vessels must give a 15 mile radius from the ship. In comparing their position to the ship’s, we are inside the radius. So we called the ship as to what they wanted us to do. They wanted us on a different heading so we would not be in their way. Of course we complied. But then another hour later they broadcasted their new position and we are again inside their radius. We called them again and they told us we could go back on our original course. Off we go again. An hour later as they broadcast their new position and they are heading right for us. We call them again and explain that we are sailing at 3 knots and cannot get out of their way. By now they know us and simply advised us to make sure we are not on the starboard side of the ship because that is the side they are shooting from. OK – we can do that!
Sailing in the Beaufort cut we were happily “welcomed back” by 2 different people calling us on the radio. Then another friend comes running down her dock waving her hands and shouting her hellos. A a warm FB message from a friend that saw Ciganka at anchor as she drove down the road. Just feels really good.
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers for our safe passage ~