We finally got the wind!! This summer has been quiet in respect to the amount of wind we have had for sailing. But this week it was nice and windy every day so that meant for great sailing on Ciganka! And honestly, this crew came together very quickly in respect to learning their positions and executing them to get Ciganka under way, tacking, and coming to anchor, which we do WITHOUT an engine! So proud of them! They also got to swim with a pod of dolphin (well kind of….as them about it), knot tying lessons, great snorkeling, beaching, and they found enough conch to make a delicious meal. This crew was a little slow out of the starting gate but they ended up on the impressive track and are definitely winners. And THAT is what counts. The Captain and I could not be prouder. Maybe because of such great improvement it meant a little more to us. Good on ya Troop 468!!